Bupa Aged Care
COVID Safe Plan
COVID Safe status of Bupa care homes
Bupa Aged Care's COVID Safe Plan helps to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of residents, teams and visitors to our care homes by operating COVID-safe environments.
To check on the COVID Safe status and visitation requirements or restrictions of the Bupa care home you would like to visit please download the COVID Safe status list below.
COVID Safe Plan
The way we operate your care home has evolved since the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic began. Bupa’s aged care COVID Safe Plan has three phases of operation that a care home may experience and operate within, at any point in time.
COVID Normal
Applies whenever a home is not in Exposure or Outbreak. This phase guides a care home’s daily operations and supports prevention of COVID-19.
COVID Exposure
A care home moves into Exposure phase when there is any COVID-19 positive case that is not considered an outbreak. In this phase, the affected resident is isolated in their room and Outbreak requirements apply to that resident, all team members coming into contact with that resident, and that resident’s visitors. Any affected team members are furloughed and isolate at their own home. The rest of the Home continues to operate in COVID Normal.
COVID Outbreak
A care home is declared in Outbreak when two or more residents test positive to COVID-19 within a 72 hours period. Risk assessment is required if positive cases are staff that were on site, during their infectious period; care home approach is based on Public Health unit local Guidance. An entire care home may be in Outbreak, or just part of the home may be in Outbreak.
What the COVID Safe Plan means
For residents
Our COVID Safe Plan focuses on protecting the health and safety of residents.
Alongside this COVID Safe Plan, it’s also important we maintain focus on supporting residents’ mental wellbeing.
That’s why we increased focus on wellbeing programs and lifestyle activities within the care homes, and found new ways to connect residents with their loved ones via video calls and private Facebook groups.
For visitors
We ask every visitor to a care home consider the health and safety of residents and staff by agreeing to meet visitor requirements and complying with the relevant state or territory directions, as directed by the care home staff.
Changes to a care home status
If a care home’s COVID Safe status changes:
Residents and staff will be notified immediately
Residents’ relatives and all other regular visitors will be notified as soon as possible
Requirements for entering the care home may change and will be supported by communications and posters at all care home entry points
Visits to our care homes need to be booked ahead of time by calling the care home directly and this is the best way to understand the most up to date visitor restrictions or changes if there have been any.
Why Bupa Aged Care developed a COVID safe plan
The way Bupa operates care homes has evolved since the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic began. As we live with COVID-19, it’s important that we continue to operate in a COVID-safe environment to protect the health and safety of residents, staff and visitors to Bupa care homes.
Our COVID Safe Plan outlines how we will operate during a potential COVID-19 outbreak and also during non-outbreak conditions throughout care homes across Australia.
As always, the most up-to-date information can be obtained by speaking with the care home directly, and all visits to the care homes need to be booked in advance.